
High War - Chapter 15.1

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From outside the tall, golden walls, the city looks no different than it would on a busy day. The gates are closed, though no guards remain. Many thin plumes of white smoke drift up, while cries and yells are heard in the distance as if from some large festival. Booms and thuds sound like fireworks going off in the distance, and the occasional flash of light or color fires up in to the air. Sitting in the upper branches of a thin tree with pale yellow leaves, no more than a shouting distance from the wall, Zarah smiles as she watches the show.

The sky remains a swirling storm that has gotten fiercer, blocking out much of the sunlight over the city though less so beyond the walls. More explosions are heard and black smoke plumes rise, along with the sounds of screaming and roars. The group of five adventurers from before runs out of the near gate and slams it closed, only just in time to catch the giant blade that sticks through a second later. Together they hack at it, but the leg is pulled back; the five adventurers stand and stare at the door for a moment before turning to walk away. Zarah shrugs, then almost falls from her perch at the next loud cracking sounds.

Giant, slick green vines grow inside and outside the city like a hundred snakes reaching for the sun, climbing up the walls and reaching over the top to meet and twist together. Some wave back and forth in the fierce winds, while others crash to the ground. Small purple pods pop out along the vines and as they bloom the flowers release a thick, drifting smog that falls to the ground like snow. Zarah turns away with a grimace, then spins backwards on the branch and drops down.

At ground level Teal is on her knees beside the sleeping child, who lays nestled among the tree's roots. Zarah's sword leans against the other side of the trunk. The half-human herself drops down to land beside Teal, stretching her arms behind her head, “I can't see much over the walls from up there, but I don't need to. It's not looking good for my city.” Teal says nothing, her eyes glued to the child.  “Sooo I'm thinking we're done here. Mission failed, we didn't get the info in time and my city is getting sacked. I don't have to guard you any more either.”

“Fine by me,” Teal mumbles. She then speaks clearly, “Where will you go?”

“Eh, west maybe, or I'll stick around here and see if the King's Army arrives to clean up this mess. I'm betting you'll follow that Small Folk guy and his gang, protect them until they get to a new city?” She points her thumb back behind her, where the Small Folk in question has his former street urchins sitting and talking amongst themselves in the copse of trees. They seem in no hurry to leave, and their Boss paces back and forth with a deep scowl.

“I can't leave yet.” Teal speaks without turning around, “I found one of my children Zarah. Do you see what that means? There may be more of them like this, transformed or whatever those monsters in the sky did, the same as the animals were. It may not be safe to go back in, but I need to stay close. And I have questions for this child, so I want to wait until he wakes up.”

“I thought it was because,” Zarah runs a hand over her braided hair, her eyes looking away for a moment, “because you wanted to see if the Phoenix guys appear? For some kind of ritual?”

Teal nods, “That was my intention at first. Now though, I don't know what to expect. It does not seem as if the group's members have themselves come down to fight, only to scout and gain information. The beasts of the land have been made in to human-like war creatures, and at least one of my children was transformed into some kind of murderous machine. Neither were being personally led by the group as far as I can tell, making it likely that some subtle magic is directing them. All of which points to the group not planning on endangering themselves for this attack.”

“Then I'll say it again.” Zarah spreads her arms wide, “Why not call it a lost cause and leave?”

“I wouldn't have thought you would suggest running from a fight,” replies Teal with a small smile.

Zarah rolls her eyes, “Don't even try it fatty. I did my fair share of the fighting, more than my fair share actually, and now I'm nearly out of energy. If I continue to fight, my life might actually be in danger and I'm not stupid enough to do that without a healer on hand or a good stock of healing potions. I'm not suggesting anyone turn tail and run away, I'm suggesting … uh, just be smart.”

“The Azum of Battle describes the only truly strategic retreat as leading the enemy in to an ambush. But I agree with your point all the same Zarah.” Teal sighs and closes her eyes, “That is why I think I will stay where we are for now. Outside the city where it is theoretically safe, but close enough to go back in if the battle seems to be changing. A few more hours is all I am considering.”

Zarah sighs, “Fine, have fun with that. I'm going back up to watch again.” She jumps and pulls herself up by one of the lower branches, grumbling as she goes. “I'm certainly not staying any longer than I have to. But it's my damned city and I'll give it the respect of watching it burn.”

The smallest of the street urchins comes over to Teal and tugs on her arm, “Hey, um, scary lady?” Teal turns around with one eyebrow raised, pointing up the tree, but the child shakes her head. With a small sigh Teal points at herself, and the child nods. “I know the Boss won't say it, but thanks for helping with the door. But you better leave the Boss alone and stop picking on him because that isn't nice.”

“I was not trying to pick on him child. He and I seem to have a small disagreement over his methods of guardianship, but we are adults. We can argue about things and still be on good terms.”

The child shakes her head, “Nuh-uh. You were talking to him in a mean person voice. So no more telling the Boss what to do, he's the best boss around.” Teal smiles and the small child nods, “And don't be so serious and frowning.”

“My apologies child. I have not had much reason to smile for several days now, but I will try to get back in the habit.” Teal turns back to the sleeping child, “I have hope again at least.”

The smallest child nods with a grim satisfaction, “Good, because smiles make you a little less scary.” She points to the sleeping child, “So is he okay? What happened to him?”

“I do not know for sure, but I believe he has had a very rough day. Some bad people took him and his family from their home, and I had worried he was gone forever, but now that I have found him I am all the more concerned for his brothers and sisters.”

“Oh.” The young girl frowns, looking down at the sleeping boy, “That does sound bad. So he was with mean people?”

“The meanest,” Teal answers, pointing up at the swirling sky. “They are the ones causing this weather I believe, and the reason for why the city became unsafe. But do not worry, we will deal with them and get you and your family back in to the city.”

“You and the Boss will beat them up? Okay, but the Boss doesn't like working with grownups so you'd better be extra nice to him.”

“Hmm, is that so?” Teal breathes out, looking pensive for the benefit of the child, “Ah, I've got an even better idea now. Your Boss will take you somewhere safe and protect you, and I will take the big sword lady and some others to deal with the bad guys. And you can help too, okay? Be good and listen to what the Boss says during this crisis, but also tell him if you think an idea of his might put you in danger. For example, stealing can put your family in danger, especially during a crisis.”

The child scowls, “We don't talk about stealing things with anyone on the outside, but I'll think about it. Maybe.” She turns and runs away, her arms flailing behind her. Teal smiles and looks up in to the tree branches.

A beam of blue light zigzags across the sky, never moving in one direction for more than a few helms distance but keeping to the general heading. Spotting it moving in her direction, Teal sits down and leans back against the tree, waiting. The blue light comes to a sudden stop when it reaches her and then begins orbiting Teal's head in a fixed pattern, passing through the tree trunk like a ghost.

Teal shouts up to Zarah, “I'm taking a sending! This could be important, please do not distract me!” She reaches up and catches the blue light in the palm of her red crystal hand, whereupon it becomes a small turquoise dot before sinking in. The blue dot reappears on her forehead, then grows larger and outward to become an opaque bubble surrounding her head.

A static image of Rolf appears on the inside of the bubble, accompanied by his low and urgent voice, “Teal. Forgive me for leaving.”

Teal grumbles, “I didn't need your help, but I - .”

“But I need your help now in Rift Circle plaza.”

“Oh, it's a one-way?” With a short sigh, Teal listens to the rest of the message.

“I am safe but enemy must not gain city's way-stone. Please come.” The image disappears and the bubble shrinks down again to become a dot of light orbiting her head.

Teal stands and shouts upward, “Zarah, ever heard of a way-stone?”

The half-human's head pokes down through the lower branches after a moment, “Did you say way-stone? Like, the way-stone for a Rift Circle?” Teal nods. Zarah crosses her arms and frowns, “Um, that's like the address book. It connects all of the Circles in the nation, so you can't just go anywhere in the world unless it's connected or you know how to access the way-stone.”

“It is not that I doubt you, but how do you know that,” Teal asks with a smirk.

Zarah's eyes narrow and her cheeks turn a light blue, “Why did you ask me if you're surprised I know?”

“Never mind then. So how important is this way-stone? Would it be bad if the Phoenix captured one?”

“Umm,” Zarah slants her head to the side, “Maybe? You would have to ask a rift mage, I don't actually know what they could do with one.”

Teal nods, “That is a good enough reason for me.” She swats the orbiting blue light with the back of her hand and it shatters into particles. “I will be going back inside the city to find and retrieve this way-stone, to keep the Phoenix from getting it. You may accompany me if you choose, or go wherever you please.”

Zarah smiles and drops down, flipping in the air to land on her feet. She brushes herself off and grabs her sword leaning against the tree, “I'll go where I want, and today that just happens to be where you're going. But don't expect me to let loose like earlier.” Swinging the sword behind her, she allows Scarfenstein to wrap around it. “I'm still out of energy after all, so from now on we fight smart.”

“Agreed. We leave soon, after I speak with someone.” Teal turns and walks toward the former street children, picking her way among them until she comes to the smallest girl from before, “Child? I have an important request.”

The small girl crosses her arms, “It'll cost you, but I'll listen.”

Teal points to the sleeping child behind her, “I must go back inside the city but I cannot bring him with me. I would like your group to protect him for me, and take him with you if you leave. I will return for him after some time, but until then I need – no, I am asking you to watch over him.”

“Hmm, okay. I guess.” She looks around at her fellows, who shrug or look over at the pacing Boss. The small girl sighs, “The Boss will let us take him in, if he's not a brat and he does as he's told.”

“Thank you. Jan is an obedient boy, quiet and good at running. I can pay a few geld,” Teal reaches in to a pocket and pulls out four golden coins, “hmm, make that four geld to watch over him. It is all that I have at the moment, but I will try to give you more when I return for him. That should be enough to buy a few simple meals for your group if you spend it wisely.”

The small girl holds out a hand, fingers spread. When Teal drops the coins, the child closes them into a tight fist and nods, “Deal. We look after him, you come back for him. When the coins run out he'll learn our ways or get sent away, we don't keep anyone who doesn't help the group.”

“I suppose that is the best I can ask for,” and Teal lets out a small sigh. “When he wakes, tell him … do not tell him who found him, only that he is safe now. He should report anything he remembers of his experiences while captured to a Paladin or other office-holder of the Kingdom, and they might give him a few more coins for the story.” Teal looks back at the sleeping child, then her eyes glance at the city walls before turning again to the small girl. “I must be going. Take care.”

The girl nods, “See ya scary lady.” As Teal walks away she adds, “Maybe you're not so scary.”
Ugh, this chapter. In most respects I should love this chapter, it introduces one of my big villain characters after all, but until we get to him this chapter feels like an absolute drag and even then he's not going to do much but talk. We'll meet him in the next installment, and I'll consider then how much I can say about him. But anyway this chapter piece introduces the Sending spell which I think is pretty neat, and has Teal deciding what to do with that orphan kid she re-found. He's going to be sleeping for a full day, so it's a good thing she didn't try to wait. Oh, and I might add a little more to the end of this chapter at some point, if the whole chapter works out that way.

This is a part of my High War project, a story about people in a D&D-inspired world that I have tried very hard to make my own. I really don't want to step on anyone's copyright toes here, which to some degree is not easy at all. I have no idea where the background of my preview image comes from, as far as I know it came from a free image site; if you know otherwise then please tell me so I can take it down, although I would be happier to use it with the permission of its creator. This will be a story for somewhat mature audiences, there will be occasional violence, language and adult themes. Thanks for understanding, and if you don't then I would be happy to discuss with you my thoughts on the issue.


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